One of our values is “Growing Community” and one of the best ways to belong is by serving on a team, sign up below:
Welcome Team - We want anyone who is brave enough to come to St Francis to find someone at the gate and door who Smiles, Speaks to them and Supports them. Email Angela to get involved
Hospitality - Who doesn’t love a free tea/coffee/cake as they come to church. This is another central way in which we seek to welcome people. Email Sandra to get involved.
Production - In order to help the service run smoothly we have a team who work on the sound and visuals for every service. Email Robbie to get involved.
Worship - Worship is more than music but in the bible and church tradition not less than. Email Tom to get involved.
Prayer Ministry - God wants to meet with His people and we love to pray for anyone who would like to be after our 10.30 service. Email Louise to get involved.
Kids Team - We love our children at St Francis and God loves them even more, we want them to grow up knowing God’s love. Email Jenny to get involved.
Youth Team - We love our children at St Francis and God loves them even more, we want them to grow up knowing God’s love. Email Peter to get involved.
Events team - We talk a lot about “growing community” but that only happens as we grow relationships together. Our events team organise our social events where we can have fun and get to know one another. Email Andy C to get involved.