New to church?

St. Francis Mackworth is a church for people who are new to church on the Mackworth estate in Derby.

So if that is you, then you are in the right place.

We don’t expect you to know the Bible, know how to pray, know what things mean, know the words to the songs or know what is happening.

Andy compares it to when people try to explain to him about IT stuff, until they explain it, it is all totally new (and even then he still sometimes doesn’t get it!).

We would love you get get in touch, either by email, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter (see our Contact page for contact details). We’d love to arrange a time to meet and hear some of your story. And we’d love you to follow our social media so you can stay in touch with what is happening.

We’d love you to register your details, which means you will get our email updates.

It would be great if you could connect and watch our online services to get a sense of what things are like at St Francis. And finally we would love you to consider trying Alpha (find out more here).

To get started at St Francis Mackworth, please get in touch and someone will follow up with you shortly.


Life According to Jesus in 321

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