a light on the hill for our estate

You are invited


Worshipping God | Growing community | Serving our estate

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WelcomeWe’re a community in Mackworth

St. Francis Mackworth is a church for people who are new to church on the Mackworth estate in Derby.

So if that is you, then you are in the right place.

We don’t expect you to know the Bible, know how to pray, know what things mean, know the words to the songs or know what is happening.


Are you new?

We’d love to welcome you to a Sunday Service, Alpha or one of our upcoming events.

If you’re thinking about coming to visit, let us know and we’ll look out for you, save you a seat and make sure you feel welcome.

Have you tried Alpha?

Alpha is an easy and fun way to find out about the Christian faith. In Alpha we come together for food, watch a video and then have a no holds barred discussion - you can say whatever you like.

Do you need help?

Sometimes life doesn’t go as planned or things up unexpectedly that we can’t plan for. As your local church on the Mackworth estate in Derby, we are here to help.


What’s on

Check out some of what’s happening on St Francis, Mackworth on Sundays and Midweek. You can connect with us in person and online!


Give online

Generosity is a natural response when we encounter the generosity that God has lavished on us. And it’s the generosity of many that enables St Francis to fulfil the vision to be ‘Light on a Hill’.



Are you a child ? Is someone hurting you ? If so then do call Childline on 0800 1111 childline.org.uk

We take abuse and safeguarding seriously at St. Francis Mackworth and the welfare of everyone on the Mackworth estate in Derby who comes into contact with us is paramount.

If you are concerned that someone you know is at risk of, or is being abused, or presents a risk to others, please seek advice from a Safeguarding Adviser or if necessary report the matter to the Local Authority Social Care Services or the Police without delay. If someone is in immediate danger you should call 999.

Click for more information